Tuesday 10 March 2015

Simile, Metaphor, and Personification

We have been focussing on trying to incorporate simile, metaphor, and personification into our writing snippets lately. In the next couple of weeks, our class will begin working on narrative writing and this will be a great opportunity for the students to utilise their skills and knowledge about figurative language in a larger writing context.

I have set the students a challenge to see if they can locate some examples of simile, metaphor or personification in some of the books they are reading at home.

Today Maddison found a great example of some similes and metaphors in the opening paragraph of Layla Queen of Hearts by Glenda Millard:

"Griffin's daddy said Layla had been sent to comfort them after Tishkin went away; like an arm about their shoulders, a candle in the dark, or like golden syrup dumplings for the soul."

I look forward to more students using their wonderful detective skills and noticing examples of these three things in their reading.

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